Rick Pollard Assistant Director, Central New York Regional Information Center 315.433.2652 rpollard@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Rick oversees and supervises the Instructional Technology, Data Warehouse, and Student Services divisions of the Central New York Regional Information Center. |
Laurel Chiesa Coordinator of Instructional Technology 315.692.1290 lchiesa@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Laurel provides leadership in implementing a school district's vision for utilizing technology to enhance and support K-12 instruction. She works closely with district administrators to build effective integration strategies that support the district curricula. Laurel also works with teachers, departments, grade levels, and faculties to enhance traditional lessons and teaching methods with technology to meet 21st century learning outcomes. |
Jason Clark Instructional Technology Integration Specialist 315.431.8412 jlclark@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Jason is responsible for assisting teachers and administrators in the region with instructional technology integration to improve and transform classroom instruction. He conducts professional development workshops and oversees various ITD applications. |
Teresa Fragola Administrative Support 315.433.8360 tfragola@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Teresa manages all of the important administrative functions for the ITD team including purchasing, conference requests, travel, district meetings, budget reports, and more. |
Chris Kaleta Library Media Specialist 315.431.8554 ckaleta@ocmboces.org Responsibilities: Chris oversees the reacquisition of Media Library video programs, streaming services, and hardcopy resources. He trains client faculty to improve their ability to search and locate relevant curriculum materials for their use in the classroom. Chris also advises faculty on Copyright regulations and Fair Use. |
Danica Kaltaler Public Information Specialist 315.431.8379 dkaltaler@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Danica works with school administrators to enhance district communications for web, print, e-news, and social media. She also provides PR and marketing resources for the CNYRIC. |
Nick Lefort Instructional Technology Integration Specialist 315.431.8420 nlefort@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Nick is responsible for assisting teachers and administrators in the region with instructional technology integration to improve and transform classroom instruction. He conducts professional development workshops and oversees various ITD applications. |
Robert Leo |
Nancy Schmidt Systems Consultant 315.433.8358 nschmidt@cnyric.org Responsibilities: Nancy's primary focus is on supporting literacy initiatives with research-based tools like Fast ForWord and Read 180. She also provides technology training for districts on a variety of topics, and is a nationally certified curriculum mapping trainer. |
Josh Seitz Webmaster 315.431.8483 jseitz@ocmboces.org Responsibilities: Josh is the web master for the CNYRIC and OCM BOCES. He develops, maintains, and supports most web-related activities within our organization. Josh also coordinates the Web Design service for the ITD program, which reaches out to 20+ school districts in our region. |
Eric Smith |
Amy Spath Responsibilities: Amy supervises the mediaCONNECT service and is responsible for assisting districts with all e-learning initiatives, including virtual field trips, point-to-point video conferencing, and the Ensemble Video service, all with the hope of helping students make global connections. She also coordinates our American Sign Language Program which provides ASL I, II, and III via distance learning for students across New York State. |
Lee Sweet Responsibilities: Lee is responsible for booking and account management for the mediaCONNECT service. She generates reports and statistics, adds all new items to the media collection, and assists the Library Media Specialist with annotations, editing, and new acquisitions. |