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Snapshots: Are You Participating in Hour of Code? logo
The 2019 Hour of Code is quickly approaching! For those unfamiliar with the concept, Hour of Code encourages participation in coding activities in schools throughout the world. In 2018, students created almost 50 million projects on the website alone! Computer science is a hugely important tool for introducing (or reinforcing) 21st century skills.

This year’s Hour of Code theme will be: #CSforgood (computer science for good), and will take place during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 9-15). Check out this article to learn more about this year’s event, which aims to highlight the ways in which computer science can be used to solve problems and have a greater, positive impact on our world.

Interested in integrating more computer science activities into your classroom? Click here to get started with Hour of Code activities today, or to take a look at some of the many activities and resources that are currently available. To see what one of our local districts did for Hour of Code last year, click here!
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