Data Analysis
Data Analysis Tools Summary Chart - This tool gives users a description of several data analysis tools, such as Cognos PowerPlay, ReportNet, DataMentor, and nySTART.
Data Wise Improvement Process PowerPoint - This is a Data Wise presentation offered by Lori DeForest on using the Data Wise process to have discussions and dialogues in your districts around data.
Data Wise Improvement Process Handouts - Printable documents to accompany a Data Wise Presentation
Data Analysis Tools Summary Chart - This tool gives users a description of several data analysis tools, such as Cognos PowerPlay, ReportNet, DataMentor, and nySTART.
Data Wise Improvement Process PowerPoint - This is a Data Wise presentation offered by Lori DeForest on using the Data Wise process to have discussions and dialogues in your districts around data.
Data Wise Improvement Process Handouts - Printable documents to accompany a Data Wise Presentation