TALKing Points: Dr. Larry Johnson
On The Horizon
Dr. Larry Johnson, Ph.D.
Dr. Larry Johnson, Ph.D.
CEO, The New Media Consortium
Uncommon Leadership in Uncertain Times
October 21, 2015
Education worldwide is in the midst of tremendous change. Old norms are being upended; old models of learning are being questioned. The very purposes of schools and even universities are being challenged not only by forces within education, but by competitive realities that are very foreign to most school leaders. The outcomes of primary and secondary education are being called into question, and many will find it hard to justify old ways of doing business when that microscope comes to bear on their institutions. In this changing landscape, we need institutions willing to break the traditional mold. We need uncommon leaders, uncommon faculties, and uncommon systems and processes for making decisions. Creativity and vision is more important than ever. We need people at every level that are willing to try new ideas, to take risks, and even to fail on the road to getting it right. Join Horizon Project founder Larry Johnson as he traces the evolution of western education, and details significant challenges and shifts in that framework that educational institutions must strive to understand and embrace. Collectively, these challenges will require a tectonic level shift in the common wisdom, but that won’t be enough. Schools that aspire to be world class will need uncommon wisdom, as the very nature of what we mean by “world class” is inexorably shifting as well.
NMC Horizon Report, 2015 K-12 Edition
Developments in Ed Tech
Time-to-Adoption: One Year or Less
Time-to-Adoption: Two to Three Years
Time-to-Adoption: Four to Five Years
Key Trends
Long-Term Impact
Mid-Term Impact
Short-Term Impact
Significant Challenges
Solvable Challenges
Difficult Challenges
Wicked Challenges
About Dr. Larry Johnson
Dr. Larry Johnson serves as Chief Executive Officer of the New Media Consortium, an international not-for-profit consortium dedicated to the exploration and use of new media and new technologies. Its hundreds of member institutions constitute an elite list of the most highly regarded universities, museums, and research centers in the world. The NMC’s dozen-year exploration of technology use in education, the Horizon Project, informs strategic technology planning for educational institutions in more than 175 countries. As the project’s founder, Johnson works with visionaries and thought leaders from across the globe to define new ways of thinking about technology, and explore emerging trends and issues.