What is Hierarchy?
Hierarchy is simply defined as any system of persons or things ranked one above another. It is a system that helps us define order and organization.
Once the hierarchy of any system is defined, it not only explains how that system functions but also aids in predicting how any change in the system will affect the system as a whole.
Hierarchy – An Invisible System
In any given day very few of us are conscious of a hierarchy’s existence until we take the time to define it. We see a structural system such as a building merely as a building that somehow works together as a whole to support both itself and its contents.
We have faith in this fact and accept that the structure works. Hierarchy is meant to be invisible, working so perfectly within a system that we do not need to understand it in order to operate within its guidelines.
In fact, we are often more conscious of a hierarchical system’s order when it is not working perfectly. If a hierarchical system fails, we analyze its structure searching for the reason for this failure.
How Does This Apply to Web Site Design?
As with a building, a good web site design is supported by a good hierarchical system. Typically, the viewer of a well-designed web site is not aware of this hierarchy on a conscious level, but rather allows his or her eye to be led along as the structure of the design dictates.
If a hierarchy is successful, it should support the web site’s goals – education, awareness, conversion, etc. If the hierarchy is unsuccessful, these goals are compromised because the viewer becomes distracted by a conscious perception of the faulty hierarchy.