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Jeremy Dodds
Supervisor of Data Analysis Services
Lori DeForest
Supervisor of Data Analysis Services




Response to Intervention (RtI) Service             CoSer 620

With the increasing demands by the state and federal government for school districts to have a prevention model in place, Response to Intervention integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior problems. With RtI, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness. The DW team has developed services designed to assist districts with the implementation of their own RtI processes, as well as the opportunity for in-district support through an RtI Coordinator. The RtI Coordinator is a certified administrator that works closely with district personnel and administration to not only meet the mandates, but to provide a preventative framework that will allow all students to achieve.
2013-14 List

620.700.400 - DWS - Response to Intervention Support and Consultation


620.700.410 - DWS - AimsWeb Annual Support Fee - Part A
620.700.411 - DWS - AimsWeb Software Licenses - Per Contract
620.700.412 - DWS - AimsWeb Annual Support Fee - Part B
620.700.413 - DWS - AimsWeb Implementation Fee - Per Contract
620.700.414 - DWS - AimsWeb Data Migration Fee for Local Data - Per Contract
620.700.415 - DWS - AimsWeb Data Synch


620.700.420 - DWS - AutoSkills Implementation Support Fee - Per Contract
620.700.421 - DWS - AutoSkills License Fee - Per Contract
620.700.422 - DWS - AutoSkills Annual Support Fee


620.700.430 - DWS - Dibels Annual Support Fee - Per Contract
620.700.432 - DWS - Dibels Software License Fee - K-2
620.700.433 - DWS - Dibels Software License Fee - 3-8
620.700.436 - DWS - Dibels Data Migration - Per Contract


620.700.440 - DWS - RTIm Direct Web Annual Support Fee
620.700.442 - DWS - RTIm Direct Web Software License Fee
620.700.444 - DWS - RTIm Direct Implementation Fee
620.700.446 - DWS - RTIm Direct Data Migration - Per Contract
620.700.447 - DWS - RTIm Direct Data Synch


620.700.450 - DWS - Vport Annual Support Fee
620.700.452 - DWS - Vport Software License Fee
620.700.454 - DWS - Vport Implementation Fee
620.700.456 - DWS - Vport Data Migration Fee - Per Contract

620.700.610 - DWS - Core K-12 Annual Support
620.700.612 - DWS - Core K-12 License Fee
620.700.614 - DWS - Core K-12 Implementation
620.700.616 - DWS - Core K-12 Data Migration


620.700.620 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning Annual Support
620.700.622 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning License Fee
620.700.624 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning Implementation Fee
620.700.626 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning Custom Data Migration Fee
620.700.627 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning Data Sync
620.700.629 - DWS - Star/Renaissance Learning Web Hosting Service

620.700.900 - DWS - Other Miscellaneous

2011-12 List

620.700.400 - DWS - Response to Intervention Support and Consultation
620.700.410 - DWS - AimsWeb Annual Support Fee - Part A
620.700.411 - DWS - AimsWeb Software Licenses - Per Contract
620.700.412 - DWS - AimsWeb Annual Support Fee - Part B
620.700.413 - DWS - AimsWeb Implementation Fee - Per Contract
620.700.414 - DWS - AimsWeb Data Migration Fee for Local Data - Per Contract
620.700.415 - DWS - AimsWeb Data Synch
620.700.420 - DWS - AutoSkills Implementation Support Fee - Per Contract
620.700.421 - DWS - AutoSkills License Fee - Per Contract
620.700.422 - DWS - AutoSkills Annual Support Fee
620.700.430 - DWS - Dibels Annual Support Fee - Per Contract
620.700.432 - DWS - Dibels Software License Fee - K-2
620.700.433 - DWS - Dibels Software License Fee - 3-8
620.700.436 - DWS - Dibels Data Migration - Per Contract
620.700.440 - DWS - RTIm Direct Web Annual Support Fee
620.700.442 - DWS - RTIm Direct Web Software License Fee
620.700.444 - DWS - RTIm Direct Implementation Fee
620.700.446 - DWS - RTIm Direct Data Migration - Per Contract
620.700.447 - DWS - RTIm Direct Data Synch
620.700.900 - DWS - Other Miscellaneous



Phone: 315.433.8300
Visit: 6075 E. Molloy Rd. | Syracuse, NY 13211
Mail: P.O. Box 4754 | Syracuse, NY 13221
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