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Amy Keesey
Coordinator of eLearning
Jason Clark
Model Schools Coordinator
Model Schools Workshop Forms
Model Schools Workshop Attendance Sheet
Trainers should print out one copy for each day in which the workshop takes place. Participants should sign in when the workshop begins. The form will be collected by the trainer and returned at the end of the workshop to OCM BOCES where it will be kept on file. Districts inquiring about whether a staff member attended a particular workshop should contact the Model Schools Coordinator.

Model Schools Teacher Stipend: Employee Data Sheet and Record of Time Worked Form
  • Professional staff at BOCES activities can be paid as BOCES employees. This typically applies to summer sessions or others outside the school calendar.
  • All professional staff attending sessions must complete Federal W4 and State IT-2104 forms.
  • The Model Schools hourly rate will be paid, and deductions for federal and state tax, FICA, and, where appropriate, retirement will be taken.
  • The district will be charged the cost of the stipend, FICA contribution, retirement contribution, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation and a 10% administrative fee.
  • All persons attending their first Model Schools workshop for each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) MUST fill out this form.  Once completed, this attendee will not be required to fill it out again this year unless they move, change a name, or change withholding allowances. Completed forms should be collected and returned to the Model Schools Coordinator where they will be kept on file.
  • Trainers will hand this form out during the course of the workshop. Workshop participants should fill out this form and return it to the trainer at the end of the workshop. Completed forms must be sent to the district’s business manager for signature and then sent to the Model Schools Coordinator. These are then processed in the BOCES business office and payments are made directly to the teacher. Please use Model Schools CoSer 563-SUBS-170.
Substitute Reimbursement Form
  • Shared activities coordinated through Model Schools are eligible for aid on expenditures for teacher substitutes.
  • Maximum reimbursement is $90/day for substitute reimbursement and $120.00/day for teacher stipend.
  • Workshops must be Model Schools events or coordinated by Model Schools.
  • District pays the substitute at the District rate and submits forms with all required information and signatures to the Model Schools Coordinator.
  • BOCES will pay the district the total amount, up to our maximum rate and will bill the district for payment through our normal budget adjustment process, ensuring aid for these expenses.
Phone: 315.433.8300
Visit: 6075 E. Molloy Rd. | Syracuse, NY 13211
Mail: P.O. Box 4754 | Syracuse, NY 13221
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